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August 24, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
August 24, 2004   

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.     

SUBJECT: Department Heads    
PRESENT: Dave Paveglio, Building Inspector, Mike Paveglio, Deputy Fire Chief, John Prickett, Fire Chief, and Bob Kitson, Police Lieutenant   

PD – The dunking booth during Old Home Day was a success despite the rainy weather.  Officer Corbett begins the full time police academy on Monday, August 30, 2004.  Officer Corbett has already passed the physical exam.  The Lieutenant would like to hire a temporary full time certified officer, currently working in Loudon.  The officer is relocating to Florida at the end of the year.  The current part timers are not able to fill the shift Officer Corbett is currently working.  This officer would be paid at the part time rate and would not be eligible for any benefits while working for the Town of Chichester.  There will be no commitment on the town to retain this officer once Officer Corbett returns from the academy.  The Board of Selectmen agreed to hire this candidate unless something unfavorable arose from his background check.  

Mr. Drew has indicated to Lieutenant Kitson, that he will make restitution for the vandalism done to the bridge on Blackman Road.  The deadline to do so is August 27, 2004.  Lieutenant Kitson will check on the status of the repairs on Friday.  

FD – Chief Prickett shared with the Board, his success at acquiring enough portable radios from New Hampshire Surplus, to realize the department’s goal of a radio for every department member.  These radios would retail for $12,000 and the Chief purchased them for $1,400.  New batteries will be purchased for the radios as well.

The EMT-Paramedic level course has been completed.  The department realized a free $1,000 tuition.  The advanced training available on site has provided a higher level of service to the community.  Once again, the Chief invited the Board of Selectmen to take advantage of joining the department in a training exercise at the New Hampshire Fire Academy.  

The department is looking for a simpler method of replenishing its supplies such as Gatorade and power bars used to re-hab (nourish) the volunteers working on a call.  Currently, the Chief pays out of pocket and then must wait to be reimbursed.  Suggestions made were to issue debit cards to department heads or perhaps purchasing a Sam’s Club Card for the town.  Lisa will look into options.

Deputy Paveglio is still looking to coordinate with the highway department, the installation of the new propane tank for the generator.  

Clarification of line items for the utility costs for the safety building were discussed.  Chief Prickett’s understanding was half the cost would be listed in the fire department and half in the police department.  This is not the case. During the budget meetings, the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee stated the funding for the safety building costs would be in the fire departments budget.  The Fire Chief did not realize this and as a result, the budgeted amount only represents half and those lines for propane and electricity will be overspent this year.  This is an oversight due to the new budgeting format and the Selectmen do not hold the fire department responsible.  This was the first time trying to calculate for these expenses per department.  

The money for maintenance and repairs to the safety building includes the striping needed on the parking lot.  The handicapped parking space will need to be relocated to allow for proper signage on the building.  

There are two students living at the fire house.  One is a returning student and the other is new to the program.  

The department is experiencing the loss of some minor items.  The Chief has arranged for the code to be changed on the door lock.  

Selectmen DeBold asked the department to think about the possibility of relocating the polling place to the safety building.  The parking is not really adequate and the school is probably a better location.  

The Selectmen informed the department heads that the budget will only be accepted this year on the worksheet produced from QuickBooks.  The Selectmen asked the department heads for their recommendations for a smoother process.  Deputy Paveglio suggested the Board notify the departments of their expectations as to funding level.  It’s a lot easier to budget when you know what the goal is.  

BI – The building inspector had nothing to report this evening.

Chairman Colbert announced to the department heads, that the Town Administrator, due to personal reasons, has given her resignation.

SUBJECT: Old Selectmen’s Office  
PRESENT: Library Trustees - Carolee Davison, Pat Hauck and Peggy Haskett; Mr. Charlie Hill

The Library Trustees were asked to come and speak with the Selectmen to discuss the use of the old selectmen’s office, which is located in the library.  

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The Historical Society had come before the Board last month, asking what had been done to return the room to its original state along with locating some items, such as the old woodstove, that have historical significance and were a part of the office when used by the Selectmen.   The Historical Society had gotten approval to return the room to its original state from a former Board of Selectmen in 1996 and brought this issue to the attention of the Board of Selectmen last year.  The trustees had several concerns, first of which was where to relocate the librarian.  Moving the office upstairs is not a safe or feasible solution.  Currently, there is no heat upstairs.  The librarian needs to be on the main floor during the operation of the library.

The trustees are responsible for the inside of the building.  To what extent would they still be responsible for that room?  Not being able to have use of that room is a waste to the library.  Selectman DeBold stated the trustees would be responsible for securing the building only and not the upkeep of that room.     

The Selectmen asked the trustees if a revised floor plan has been considered.  Chairman Colbert and Selectman DeBold had visited the library last year and reviewed the space with the librarian.  At that time, the librarian indicated to them there was a plan to relocate the librarian’s office.  The trustees responded by saying they had looked into relocating the circulation desk, but were not aware of any plans to relocate the office.  

Another question asked, was what does use of the table space mean?  Modern items such as a computer would take away from the effect trying to be achieved.  

Was this voted at town meeting, or just a gentlemen’s agreement? Trustee Carolee, recalls it was a gentlemen’s agreement only and that the room remained closed for several years until the library needed space and decided to make use of that room because the Historical Society was not.

The Historical Society would like to create an exhibit in this room and make it available for viewing.  They have additional items to be displayed as well.  

The old woodstove is upstairs; however the old wooden file cabinet was lost in the fire.

The remaining concern was how soon this was expected to happen.  The trustees are willing to work with the town as long as it doesn’t have to happen next month.  Money may need to be put in the budget next year for renovating the main floor.  The Board of Selectmen will support the library renovations.  The Board agreed that if the Historical Society keeps the room closed for years again, the library will be able to use the space.  

SUBJECT: Abatement Process   
PRESENT: Mr. & Mrs. Robert McAnney  

The McAnney’s wanted to talk to the Selectmen about the handling of their tax abatement this year.  In the past, they have been asked to come and speak to the

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Selectmen.  Now, the abatement is submitted and forwarded to Avitar and a decision made all without someone viewing the interior of the property.  The McAnney’s felt this process took away the ability to come to the Board and discuss the abatement.  Mrs. McAnney spent a lot of time researching data, not only on their property, but several comparable properties to include on the abatement. The McAnney’s first met with Lisa and discussed their options.  In light of the fact that several concerns listed were interior items and Avitar had not done an interior inspection, Lisa contacted Avitar to request they contact the McAnney’s and possibly schedule a site visit.  The McAnney’s would like to reach an equitable agreement and avoid filing an appeal to the Board of Tax and Land Appeals.

The inspection by Avitar was handled today and the recommendations will be forwarded to the Selectmen’s Office, prior to the deadline of September 1, 2004.    

On a different subject, Mr. McAnney shared his concern over what he felt was a lack of input from the members on the Planning Board. One member runs the meeting and then everyone says yeah or nay.

The Board thanked the McAnney’s for scheduling an appointment and sharing their concerns with them.  


Legal correspondence regarding the review of the Northeast Resource Recovery Charitable Exemption was reviewed.  The Board has agreed to take the recommendation from the town attorney and reverse their earlier denial.   Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman MacCleery based on written advice from the town attorney, to grant the tax exemption for Northeast Resource Recovery, under a Charitable Exemption and further to approve the 2003 abatement request and charitable status for 2004.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

Legal correspondence on behalf of the Hess Corporation was reviewed. The Hess Corporation, through their attorney, Maria Dolder, has asked for an extension to conduct further review.   The Board agreed to the extension request, setting the deadline for September 14, 2004.  

General reminders; the sealed bid deadline for the tax deeded property is Tuesday, September 7th.  Selectmen DeBold will handle the on site viewing scheduled for Tuesday August 31, from 2:00 to 4:00pm.

There will not be a Selectmen’s meeting on Tuesday, September 14th, due to voting.  

Chairman Colbert made the motion to accept the resignation from Administrator Stevens, with deep regret.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

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Discussion began on hiring a replacement.  Selectman MacCleery commented on not having enough funding to hire a new Town Administrator and suggested the position should be advertised for an Administrative Assistant.  A previous advertisement will be re-worded and sent to the Union Leader, Concord Monitor and the Municipal Association.  Lisa will inquire with Municipal Resources, a company which provides temporary help to municipalities.

The Board reviewed the grant written by Emergency Management Director, John Martell, to write a Hazmat Plan and to update the emergency plans adopted last year.  Hubbard Consulting will once again be working on this project.  The Board directed Lisa to contact Mr. Martell and inquire where the remaining funds will be spent.   

Selectman MacCleery expressed his displeasure of the recent purchase by the Road Agent, for a rock rake for the new one ton.  Selectman MacCleery directed Lisa to state in the minutes that he refused to sign the check for this purchase.  “We already own a rock rake.”   This led to a discussion on what the current policy was for capital expenditures. What the limit should be on purchases made by the department heads without prior approval by the Board of Selectmen was not decided at this time.  Chairman Colbert recalls the limit set by the Capital Improvement Plan to be anything over five thousand dollars ($5,000) was considered a capital expense.  However, there is no written policy in place.  Selectman DeBold will draft a policy for capital expenditures and bring it to the table next week.  

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

The minutes of August 17, 2004 were approved as written.

General correspondence and e-mail were reviewed.

Selectman DeBold will draft a response letter to the Attorney General’s Office regarding the Accessibility of Polling Places, deficiencies letter.

Selectman DeBold followed up on the letter from Attorney Waters regarding the permitting of Dickerson Cycles.  Chairman of the Planning Board, Tracy Scott, was not aware of any problem and secretary, Andrea Deachman stated the letter had been written and sent to the property owner.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:52pm.

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Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery

                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN
                                                        8/31/04  LJS

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